Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Cupboard

Here is one of the things I do when gathering my thoughts in the garage.  Other activities include, but are not limited to the following:

Changing oil in the cars.
Replacing water pumps.
Fixing transmission linkage.
Handloading .308 cartidges.
Removing/Installing training wheels on the fleet of bicycles that we own.
Inflating tires on said bicycles.
Repairing wooden baby doll crib for beautiful daughter.
Managing various "projects" of 7 and 6 year old sons.

But my favorite activity is building things for my beautiful wife.

This is the most recent and most dificult project that I have done.  Some firsts: making molding from scratch, first frame and panel door.
It is still in process.  Have to install the drawer at the bottom.


  1. Thank you sweet pea! It is beautiful and I cannot wait to stow our stuff in it! :) I love you!!!!

  2. I love you too! Can't wait for you to use it.
